
When wasps are prevalent in an area, their nests pop up everywhere. One wasp’s nest can be home to more than 20,000 wasps. Though a large percentage of wasps in a colony will die once the weather gets colder, queen wasps hibernate then get right back to work the following season building nests and laying eggs. Queen wasps can lay up to 100 eggs per day. The final batch of eggs a queen lays during a season will produce a new batch of queen wasps for the next season. To truly get rid of wasps around your home, you must receive effective wasp control treatment.

When wasps are prevalent in an area, their nests pop up everywhere. One wasp’s nest can be home to more than 20,000 wasps. Though a large percentage of wasps in a colony will die once the weather gets colder, queen wasps hibernate then get right back to work the following season building nests and laying eggs. Queen wasps can lay up to 100 eggs per day. The final batch of eggs a queen lays during a season will produce a new batch of queen wasps for the next season. To truly get rid of wasps around your home, you must receive effective wasp control treatment.
Wasp Pest Control
In Minnesota, wasps rule the sky during the summer and fall seasons. To keep wasps away from your outdoor fun, wasp control is a must. At Valor Pest Solutions, we take the time to eliminate wasps strategically. Because wasps are so prevalent around Minnesota homes, their nests pop up everywhere on deck areas, playsets, patio chairs and tables, window seals, and even on grills that go unused for a few weeks. The wasp treatment we provide at Valor Pest Solutions targets the queen and her nests directly. We thoroughly treat your home’s eaves, windows, doors, shutters, and all the nooks and crannies of your property for prevention to ensure that the wasps don’t come back.

Wasp Pest Control
In Minnesota, wasps rule the sky during the summer and fall seasons. To keep wasps away from your outdoor fun, wasp control is a must. At Valor Pest Solutions, we take the time to eliminate wasps strategically. Because wasps are so prevalent around Minnesota homes, their nests pop up everywhere on deck areas, playsets, patio chairs and tables, window seals, and even on grills that go unused for a few weeks. The wasp treatment we provide at Valor Pest Solutions targets the queen and her nests directly. We thoroughly treat your home’s eaves, windows, doors, shutters, and all the nooks and crannies of your property for prevention to ensure that the wasps don’t come back.
Local Trustworthy Minnesota Pest Control Company
If you are looking for a company that knows what is best for your Minnesota home, call Valor Pest Solutions! We have years of pest control experience dealing with pests local to Minnesota. We know what to expect from pests in your area year-round. We are familiar with all four seasons that Minnesota experiences and how to best protect your home from unwanted pests during all times of the year.

Pest Control Services Tailored to Your Needs
No two Minnesota homes are the same. Some require more spider control while others require a focus on eliminating voles. Some properties deal frequently with carpenter ants while other properties only ever see sugar ants. Because each of our customers has a home with different needs, we provide pest control services that are tailored to your unique home. Other Minnesota pest control companies offer general services that will provide you with your basic pest control needs, but aren’t nearly as effective as our tailored strategies. With pest control catered to your needs, you will receive the general pest control services other companies offer along with thought-out simple and safe strategies that will eliminate pests for good. When you book an appointment with us, we will take care of any pest problems you currently have, as well as help you make a plan on ways to avoid the appearance of more pests. There is nothing like local, trustworthy, and loyal pest control!

Pest Control Services Tailored to Your Needs
No two Minnesota homes are the same. Some require more spider control while others require a focus on eliminating voles. Some properties deal frequently with carpenter ants while other properties only ever see sugar ants. Because each of our customers has a home with different needs, we provide pest control services that are tailored to your unique home. Other Minnesota pest control companies offer general services that will provide you with your basic pest control needs, but aren’t nearly as effective as our tailored strategies. With pest control catered to your needs, you will receive the general pest control services other companies offer along with thought-out simple and safe strategies that will eliminate pests for good. When you book an appointment with us, we will take care of any pest problems you currently have, as well as help you make a plan on ways to avoid the appearance of more pests. There is nothing like local, trustworthy, and loyal pest control!