Winter is history! The temperatures are warming up in Minnesota. The possibility of hiking trips, boating excursions, and outdoor gatherings is becoming a reality. While you might be itching to get outdoors, a few pests have noticed the warm weather, too. Pests are common all year, but a handful enjoy making your life miserable in the spring. Here are five of the season’s most common pests in Minnesota:
These multi-legged creatures emerge in the spring and plan to stay until the end of fall. They are the ultimate unwanted house guest. They enjoy dark and damp spaces, which is why they are most commonly seen in basements or bathrooms at night. Centipedes can deliver a painful bite, but their bites aren’t lethal. However, their venom can cause itching, swelling, and redness. The presence of centipedes can also signify a bigger pest problem. Centipedes feast on small bugs like spiders, cockroaches, moths, silverfish, and other pests.
Centipedes crave the darkness and will run away from light, but just because they disappear doesn’t mean they’re gone. If you are dealing with a centipede problem, it isn’t going to disappear on its own.
Box elder bugs, also known as maple bugs, become active in the spring. They continue to invade through the summer and fall months but commonly disappear in the winter. These mini invaders can enter your home through cracks and crevices. Once inside, they’ll congregate near houseplants and/or warm sun-facing windows. This is because they are attracted to water and warmth.
These small black and red bugs travel in swarms for safety. If you see one, there are likely more nearby. Box elder bugs aren’t dangerous, but they can quickly become a nuisance.
Over 500 species of spiders live in Minnesota. Most spiders are harmless, but they inspire a great deal of fear. Spiders can also provide a clue that you have more pests in and around your property, as they are attracted to places where they can get a ready meal.
Some of the more common spiders found in and around Minnesota homes are:
Minnesota tick season begins as early as April. Ticks are known parasites that suck the blood of animals and people. They travel by hitchhiking and are commonly found in grassy, forested areas. These tiny parasites can be dangerous to people and animals. Ticks in Minnesota are known to carry a variety of diseases, including Lyme disease and anaplasmosis.
Mosquitoes are common worldwide. They are outdoor pests that enjoy feasting on people. If you’ve been bitten, you will know pretty quickly, as their bites leave behind a red, itching bump that will keep you distracted for days.
Minnesota’s naturally warm, humid environment encourages these pests to live and thrive in the area. Mosquitoes can be dangerous to humans, as they are known to carry illnesses like the West Nile virus.
You deserve to enjoy the warm seasons, and Valor Pest Solutions can make that possible by providing pest control services for each of these common nuisances and others. If you have been dealing with any of these pests or have struggled with them in the past, contact Valor Pest Control today. With Valor Pest Control, you have no need to worry about the dangers and annoyances of pests.
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